Sons of the Dragon Club

Sons of the Dragon Club

The Sons of the Dragon Club is the Beta Foundation’s annual giving program exclusively for undergraduates. The Club provides young Betas the opportunity to learn about the Foundation and join brothers and friends in giving charitable gifts to fund Men of Principle leadership programs and resources.

Any undergraduate who gives $18.39 or more to the Beta Leadership Fund is a member of the Club for the year. Gifts can be made online, at a Beta event or by mail.

All individual and chapter-based incentives will be determined this fall and announced as the Club kicks off this winter. Check back at that time to see what Beta items will be offered as this year’s membership perk.

Giving Guide/Ways to Give

Every year, alumni, undergraduates, Friends of Beta and parents support the Beta Foundation. Contributions help bring the Fraternity’s vision to light by advancing its educational mission. To make a gift to the Beta Foundation, choose one of the many giving options below.
Auto Kai Club

Auto-Kai Club

Beta Leadership Fund

Beta Leadership Fund

Bricks on the Beta Walkway

Bricks on the Beta Walkway

Bridge Builder Society

Bridge Builder Society

Corporate Matching Gift

Corporate Matching Gift

Giving Day Challenge

Giving Day Challenge

IRA Gift

IRA Gift

John Reily Knox Club

John Reily Knox Club

Sons of the Dragon Club

Sons of the Dragon Club

Stock Gift

Stock Gift

Wooden Institute Scholarship

Wooden Institute Scholarship